Termite Treatment Methods


Termites can secretly destroy a real estate investment faster than most pests. It is therefore extremely important to be proactive in battling them. A very effective way of attacking them is using a termite  treatment called trenching.

Trenching is applying a liquid termiticide around the home where subterranean termites pass through as they try to make their way into your home or business property.  Once termites come in contact with the chemical, it is passed throughout the colony and eventually kills them off.

Termite Treatment - Trenching 1
Termite Treatment - Trenching 2

Early Termite Treatment

Trenching goes after the termites you CAN’T see. Often, by the time you start the see termites above ground, the subterranean damage has already started. Utilizing a termite treatment early keeps the problem away from your property.

Although not always possible, finding the colony BEFORE trenching can effectively destroy it faster. Either way, if done correctly, your property will be protected for years by using this highly effective method.

When To Do Termite Treatment

Trenching for pest control should be conducted once every 5-10 years to ensure proper efficacy. At Clearcut Pest Control, our team of experts is equipped with the latest and most effective pesticides, ensuring the job is done efficiently and with the utmost care. While trenching can be a complex DIY project, entrusting the professionals can save you the significant labor and time required for the job. Trust Clearcut Pest Control for all your pest control needs, and enjoy a pest-free home for years to come.

Controlling Crawl Space Termites

If your property contains a crawl space, it is essential to take steps to prevent termite infestations. One effective method is implementing a vapor barrier. This involves shielding your crawl space walls and floor with a sturdy material to create a barrier against moisture and dampness that termites are attracted to. By creating a hostile environment, you can deter termites and protect your property from damage.

The video above is from a yearly required inspection of a commercial building. This is a crawl space in the building. The vapor barrier is in place and well maintained. Because it was well done, the inspection was positive for the building. 

Clearcut Pest Control Technicians can help you either fix a current problem or keep your property protected. Call us at one of our numbers below or fill out our contact form and let’s get you started!