Fire Ants

Fire Ants Control

Are Fire Ants a Nuisance Or Dangerous?

Fire ants get their common name from their ability to  inflict especially painful bites and stings. The two most important species are the southern and the red imported fire ant. It’s difficult to distinguish between the two, unless you are an expert. ClearCut technicians are trained to tell the difference and treat them accordingly. they are extremely aggressive and have the ability to kill young wildlife. Typical yards contain several mounds and larger yards may contain several dozen.

Southern fire ants are less aggressive than the red imported fire ant. The U.S. government has targeted the red imported fire ant for extinction. We have found an expansion of these ants in the North Carolina area and we use aggressive means to rid your property of these pests.


Size: 1/15 – 1/4in long
Color: Dark reddish brown, yellow or reddish thorax

Where Does It Hide?

Large colonies can have up to 500,000 workers that will forage up to 100 yards. Nest are usually earthen mounds, but they can reside under boards, stones, cracks in concrete, or underneath homes.

What Can Fire Ants Do To Me?

Fire ants are VERY aggressive and can inject venom that causes intense irritation, it may even cause severe reactions and even death in especially sensitive people.

How Can We Help?

In conclusion, Fire ant control is difficult. Routine inspections and re-treatments will be required. These can include individual mound injections or broadcast applications. At ClearCut our attention to detail makes return of these pests to your property only a slim possibility. We root out potential mound locations BEFORE the ants establish themselves. Over time, they will simply find another place to be.

Call us at either number below or  send us a request and let’s get you peace of mind!

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