

Cockroaches are among the most prominent pests in households and commercial establishments. Their mere presence is a nuisance. They are capable of carrying many common diseases, like that causing food poisoning, diarrhea, and dysentery.

There are about 70 living species of cockroaches in the United States. A number of these inhabit residential spaces. The most common of these species are:

  • American
  • Australian
  • German
  • Brown
  • Brown-banded
  • Oriental
  • Pennsylvania wood
  • Smoky brown

What Do Cockroaches Look Like?

Size: Adults range from 1/2 to 3/4 inch in length. Young cockroaches may be much smaller.
Color: Tan, reddish-brown or brownish-black

They are medium-sized flattened insects. Wings, if present are leathery in appearance, and may not cover the entire abdomen. The most common cockroach, the German cockroach is mostly light brown or tan except for two dark lines behind the head.

What Do They Eat?

Cockroaches will consume everything humans eat. Fermenting foods and beverages are highly attractive to the German version. They can survive on toothpaste, glue, hair, starch in book binding and even flakes of dried skin. In some instances, adults can live a month on water alone.

Where Do Cockroaches Hide?

Adults and nymphs hide in cracks and crevices of walls, cabinets, appliances and other items close to a food or water source. German cockroaches prefer kitchen and bathrooms. When severe infestations occur however, they can be found in almost any crack or crevice. You can find other species in crawlspaces, basements or other areas of structures.

What Can They Do To Me?

German cockroaches often infest areas with poor sanitation. These conditions are often places where we find disease-causing organisms. The German cockroach has been identified as a carrier of many pathogens that cause food borne illness and can even trigger life-threatening asthma attacks. 

Moving into a previously owned home calls for an inspection for roaches and other pests. Call us for a free consultation or fill out our form and let us know when to call!

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