
Rats Control

Did you know that rats can have a significant impact on your wellbeing and safety? That’s right! These creatures can grow to be quite large, strong, and even aggressive. They’re social animals, so they often live in burrows with other rats.

Fortunately, proper control of these pests begins with a thorough inspection. The inspection process can help identify the level of infestation in your home or business. This, in turn, will help you identify the best possible rodent management program to apply.

Knowing this, it’s crucial to take swift action if you suspect a rat infestation problem. The last thing you want is for these pests to cause damage to your property and threaten the well-being of your family or customers. So, be proactive, stay vigilant, and seek professional help if necessary!

What Do Rats Look Like?

They are stocky and can weight up to 16oz, colors range from reddish to grayish brown.

Food For Rats

Most rats consume approximately 110 calories each day in order to maintain a healthy weight and metabolism. Additionally, they tend to gravitate towards food that is high in both carbohydrates and protein.

Where They Hide

Rats inhabit residences, stores, zoos, hotels, farms, food facilities and pretty much any area where food is available.

Hazardous To Humans

Rats are notorious for carrying diseases that are harmful to humans such as typhus, rat-bite fever and Salmonellosis.

What We Can Do

Contact Us It’s crucial to take swift action if you suspect a infestation by rats. The last thing you want is for these pests to cause damage to your property and threaten the well-being of your family or customers. A ClearCut Pest Control inspection can uncover potential problems as well as solve a current one. Be proactive, stay vigilant, and seek our professional help by calling one of the numbers below or filling out our Contact Form. You’ll be glad you did!

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